The Pâte Grise – "grey paste" – by Payot is one of these cult beauty products that hardly need any introduction in France, and seems to keep its excellent reputation only through word of mouth generation after generation. I can’t remember having seen any ad for this particular product – ever – and yet it is a cult product unlikely to be dethroned.
Its goal is quite simple : getting rid of spots before they appear. So, when you feel one of these nasty buggers under your skin, you put a good dab of Pâte Grise on it, go to sleep with it, and in the morning, it will have work its magic and the spot will be gone.
It is certainly a wonderful, life-saving product. Simple, isn’t it?
Actually, it is not that simple. Pâte Grise is very efficient, but it is not intended as a remedy against, acne, for instance. For it to keep being useful, it can’t be used every day. It is very useful, but is the skin gets used to it, it won’t keep being that efficient. Moreover, it has to be used at the very beginning of a breakout, not when it is already there. If you use it on a already grown spot, all it will do is either reduce it a little, ot make it grow faster. It helps getting rid of it faster, of course, but if you have a special occasion the next morning... careful.
It can get on your bedsheets, so don’t use fancy ones – although it drycleaning will get rid of it.
Still, even with the extra care you have to take when using it, it is a great product, extremely efficient. It doesn’t dry the skin, which is fantastic, and it gets the job done.