Liquid Gold, by Alpha-H

Liquid Gold is one of the most famous products in the cosmetic industry, brought to you by the Australian brand Alpha-H.
They have a whole range of products made with glycolic acid – the secret of this « liquid gold », but I yet had to talk about the star of the line.

Liquid Gold is a product that presents itself as a serum : you put it on a cotton pad and you apply for the night on your skin, but it differs from a serum in one main aspect : you don’t need to use another product when you have it on. No need for a night cream, or a moisturizer, for it works as all of these.

The glycolic acid which is in Liquid Gold tingles when you apply it – although after several months of use, I have to say that my skin must get used to it, because it doesn’t tingle like it used to, and sometimes not at all. This sensation is normal : the product is very concentrated and it means it is working. During the night, it will keep the skin hydrated, and it quickens the renewal of skin cells. In the morning, the skin is tighter and brighter. Liquid Gold is a very good anti-aging product, it also works very well against acne and acne scars.

Since it is a very concentrated product, you don’t need to apply it every night. Every other night is fine, or even less frequently if you prefer to. The results are flabbergasting both on the long run and after one use.

The only complaint I would have with this product is its price. It is quite expensive and you run out of it rather quickly. I use the 100ml container in two or three months – so, not that quickly, but since it became a crucial part of my beauty routine, I find myself reordering it quite frequently.